Saturday, August 7, 2010

Champagne Suffering

Have you ever heard of the term? It refers to complaints that many of us have. Sore muscles from voluntary weight training, not enough “me time,” busy school schedules, a cluttered home are a few that come to mind. I know for a fact that many people would love to just have these types of troubles.

I have a friend, who I met while volunteering at my children’s school, that is fighting GBM Grade IV. It is a terrible form of brain cancer. You can learn more about it at She is supported by prayer, donations, cutting edge medicine, doctors, friends, family and God. Her story is a constant reminder to me that we must refocus on the good and wonderful in our lives. Each day is a gift and the gift should be mindfully experienced everyday.

Thank you, Cathy, for reminding me to love and be grateful for each day.

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